Non usitata nec tenui ferar penna biformis per liquidum aethera vates neque in terris morabor longius invidiaque maior urbis relinquam....
softness brings you to worlds within the immediate ‘there is no distance in childhood … whatever is absent is...
La fama di Joyce non si può dire provenga direttamente dalla sua produzione in versi: pubblicò in vita soltanto due...
EL ROSARIO DE EROS 1924 CUENTAS DE MÁRMOL Yo, la estatua de mármol con cabeza de fuego,...
IMAGO for Marvin Stay, I repeated. Stay. And each time I said it You stepped further away. ...
WICKED KING ZHOU OF SHANG’S SACRIFICIAL DOG PIT menstrual blood pooled under Daji[1] three thousand years crimson crimson for three...
* THE POEM Not the sunset poem you make when you think aloud, with...
Nota introduttiva, a cura dell’autrice alice hiller, estratta da bird of winter (Liverpool University Press, 2021) e riprodotta in traduzione...
Frammento XCIV τεθνάκην δ᾿ ἀδόλως θέλω· 2 ἄ με ψισδομένα κατελίμπανεν πόλλα καὶ τόδ᾿ ἔειπέ̣[μοι· 4 ᾤμ᾿ ὠς δεῖνα...
Frammento XXXI φαίνεταί μοι κῆνος ἴσος θέοισιν ἔμμεν᾿ ὤνηρ, ὄττις ἐνάντιός τοι...